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Don't Take This Away

Drone strikes.  Nuclear weaponry.  Howitzer cannons.  These are just some of the things that Wayne LaPierre and the NRA conveniently forget about.  They are busy trying to ensure that more Americans can possess semi-automatic weapons, even if they have a history of mental illness, just so the gun manufacturers benefit.  But, what about our defense industry?  And, what will we need to fight zombies and aliens?  We're not waiting 5 days to fight back against flesh eating creatures who may just want human skulls as souvenirs.  We want to ensure there is no infringement on our right to bear arms.  Or, our ability to arm bears, who are effective fighters by themselves with their huge claws and sharp teeth.  At any rate, the NRA doesn't get it.  The ability of Americans to access ordinary military equipment should not be infringed.  Right?

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